Wednesday 22 June 2011

First post

Welcome to my small scale research blog for my A2 film studies. The point of this blog is to become the medium by which all the research that I will carry out in order to find out all the facts I need for the project. This, in my opinion is what film Studies is all about - the evaluation of a genre, actors signature, or technology. Sure, the latter two are interesting, but to my mind genre takes my fancy more. The fact you can evaluate and look into a certain genre of film, which there are thousands of. It can be horror, comedy, superheroes, the list goes on. The purpose of this first post is to create a sense of the brain waves that went through my mind whilst I was thinking and partially deciding what question I should focus on.

My interest for this project lay at first in a character type - which I have changed now due to that being not allowed. I thought of doing the outsider character, an interesting figure in a film to me in particular as I have always felt like one. Odd. This was prompted after watching "How to train your dragon" (2010, directed by Dean Deblois, and Chris Sanders). Below I will paste a link to the trailer, as it is actually quite a good movie and I recommend seeing it. It may be pixar, some of their films are naff in themselves but this film in my mind is one of their best.


One of my favorite scenes from the movie. Really. I am not kidding, this is one of my favorite scenes in the entire plot, showing my attraction towards the outsider figure - the subtle surprise one gets from finding out the hidden depths of a figure.

But then, came the superhero genre. An unexpected surprise, I found myself instantly attracted to this cliche genre, which is flooding our cinemas with the latest release of "Green Lantern" (2011, Martin Campbell). This is an open ended question, but with the key to an treasure trove of information that can be extracted and added to my previous assumptions. However, in addition to the attraction of the genre there was also the appearance of "Super" (2010, James Gunn). The film had independent vibes but was a flop not reaching the same level as "Kickass", but still I believe it is an example of how the Super hero genre has come into its own, maturing into something intriguing and compelling. Released around the same time as "Kickass" (2010, Matthew Vaughn) it takes on the character of an average man becoming a superhero. I will attach the trailers for both movies, as well as additional clips of "Super", which sadly is not released on DVD. The film is violent, and there is swearing in it. Less than in "Kickass" admittedly but I like it nevertheless. You may dislike it, but I advise an open mind - look at it for its merits and what it has contributed to the Superhero genre. Or hasn't, in the case of the viewings and its gross profit.

Watch these clips, watch the trailers. You may be subtly surprised by the good quality of of "Super", but also off the performance of Ellen Page in it, sure it wasn't one of her greatest films but film fans all agree that her performance in this movie, playing a disturbed, desperate, and slightly wacky character in this motion picture. Sadly, I repeat it is not on DVD, but it will be one of my movies that I will study, specifically the clips I have. Its on Video on Demand, whatever that is. Anyhow, I hope you like them, I know I do and I think that I have stumbled upon a topic which I will love to look into and enjoy writing about. With that, and excellent  research I am sure to succeed. If you put your mind to something, work hard at it, you will do well.

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